Parts List & Illustrations for IH Model M-5H-6 2 1/2 Ton 6x6 Truck

Parts List & Illustrations for IH Model M-5H-6 2 1/2 Ton 6x6 Truck

    Price: $49.95

    Code: BB-INT-3646

    Weight: 1.00 pounds

    Parts List & Illustrations for IH Model M-5H-6 2 1/2 Ton 6x6 Truck
    Parts List & Illustrations for IH Model M-5H-6 2 1/2 Ton 6x6 Truck

    Built by International to Specs for US Marine Corp

    Contract NOm. 33976, 34956, 35402, 35941 and US Navy Contract NOs. 3530A

    184 Pages
